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1  Android-Foren / Software für Android / ways to transfer contacts from windows mobile to android phone am: 15.07.2010, 09:51:26
Do you just get a new Android phone,but your old phone is a windows mobile based?How to transfer contacts from windows mobile to Android Phone? Here is the guide for you to transfer your contacts to android Phone.

Tools your need:
1. Microsoft ActiveSync – Sync file between Windows Mobile Phone and PC.
2. GodswMobile Contacts Transfer – Transfer Windows Mobile Phone to computer and Gmail.
3. Gmail account.

Here is the step-by-step guide for you to transfer contacts between windows mobile phone and android phone.

Step 1: Backup windows mobile contact to CTS file and transfer to computer.
Below is the detail guide for the step 1.
How to transfer contacts from windows mobile to computer

Step 2: Transfer windows mobile phone contacts to gmail account.
Here is a stey-by-step guide to transfer windows mobile phone contacts to gmail account.

Step 3: Connect your Android phone to internet and sync contacts from Gmail account.
Android mobiles can automatically synchronize the contacts when connected to internet.

Down! Now your windows mobile contacts have been transfer to your new android account.
Free download GodswMobile Contacts Transfer.

Note that:this app can only transfer contacts from Windows mobile phone to Android phone.
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