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[Free][App] iziTalk

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[Free][App] iziTalk
« am: 24.04.2014, 07:34:04 »

Hello, if you like to cheap call all over the world you might be interested in this app, please try and review it. Sorry because i'm writting in English but i'm from Slovenia  Smiley


Direct international calls from mobile phones are very expensive.
Innovative application iziTalk drastically reduces the costs.

From now on you will call any country in the world at low cost international calling rates.
Save up to 80% when calling abroad from your mobile phone with iziTalk.

iziTalk generates local numbers for your calls abroad. This way you pay your operator for a national call.
iziTalk is transferring your call to the international phone number at fantastic rates.

No WiFi needed - calls are made the traditional way, no VoIP connections.

iziTalk is available in the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom.
If your country is not listed among countries where iziTalk is available, kindly let us know and we will inform you as soon as we add your country.

Download iziTalk on your smartphone and start saving money now!
You won't regret it.

Each user that register for the first time, receives 1 € of free call credit.

We are trying to make iziTalk application better and we would appreciate to have your feedback.


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LinkedIn:iziTalk | LinkedIn
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Tagged: google

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