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Android-Foren | Software für Android | [GAME] [FREE] Tiny Jack

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[GAME] [FREE] Tiny Jack

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[GAME] [FREE] Tiny Jack
« am: 27.05.2013, 16:10:14 »

Hello everybody,

I have just created the new game Tiny Jack for Android. It is a platformer game, played at top of a barcode.
It's quite simple: Scan the code from your goods and play!

Try out the new game experience. There are millions of possible levels.

All levels will be shaped like your real scanned code!

Tiny Jack is a classic jump and run game. Help Jack to cross any barcode you can find on your goods. Scan that code and and dive into an amazing tiny world. Each barcode (each level) will be enhanced by a number of traps and skills in a cunning way. Lead the cute hero Jack through these vintage designed worlds. You will be delighted...

Download Tiny Jack from Android market or scan the following QR-Code with your device

Feel free to share your experiance.
Good Luck!

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Tagged: google

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