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Android-Foren | Software für Android | Instago a smart map for newbies

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Instago a smart map for newbies

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Instago a smart map for newbies
« am: 19.05.2014, 23:13:53 »

Have you ever had a problem finding your car?
Or been lost in a city with no directions?
Or just been finding nearby places in your current location?

Then this is the app you need and should have on hand! It has a Google Maps Street View window that updates according to your position and orientation, and an Eye-View simulation of where you are heading. Just perform a long click on the map and pick a choice:
1. Put a Pinpoint anywhere on the map to mark your destination place and the Navigation Arrow will guide you.
2. Or get a full screen of Google Maps Street View panorama, if available.
And if you are just exploring nearby places, Google Places service will help you finding them.
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Tagged: google

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