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Defense Craft - Real time strategy

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Defense Craft - Real time strategy
« am: 14.08.2011, 21:28:15 »

Real time strategy, tower defense and adventure rpg fuse in one ultimate game: Defense Craft.
Especially optimised for large screens.The maps are massive and there are numerous units to control and monsters to battle. HD graphics enhance the dynamic action on screen and bring out the lushness in the varied environments.
Get lost in arid deserts and explore snowy wastelands and don't forget to stop off at some of the exotic islands along the way.Pit your units against ferocious knights, accurate archers, grotesque trolls, fearsome orcs, mighty dragons, horrific skeletons and many other enemies.If your units aren't up to battling these varied foes then train them in your castles to toughen them up. Just like in RPG games your soldiers and towers gain experience and become stronger and harder to kill after every fight they survive.Different towers can be built and upgraded to improve their range, damage, speed and strength.Money greases the wheels of war so if you need more then just extract it from your goldmines.Defend your different castles at all costs. Epic medieval battles with tens of enemies;Special units and powerful magic towers.

If you have any ideas what can be improved in this game feel free to let us know and we will add it to the game.

You can download game from
« Letzte Änderung: 14.08.2011, 21:30:56 von centralbytes » Gespeichert
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