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Voice Alerts - Your Android speaks

 (Gelesen 62145 mal)
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Voice Alerts - Your Android speaks
« am: 13.01.2010, 19:48:18 »

Hi Go-Android community,

I'm sorry i don't speak german, but i want to introduce you my new Android app because i added support for german language so i thought it would be interesting for you.

VoiceAlerts is an application for the android mobile platform, its goal is to alert the user with speech messages when the following events occur:

Incoming/Missed Calls: Alerts the user when receives a call, speaking the name of the contact. Configure repeat mode for missed calls alert.

Time changes: it can be configured to “speak” the current time in 15,30 and 60 minutes intervals. For instance: “it is 20 hours 15 minutes”

Sms received: A voice alert informs the user that a new sms is received, it can be configured to read the content as well. And to translate the most common sms abbreviations while reading the content for instance: c u l8r -> see you later.

Battery alerts: The user can specify a battery level (for instance 5%), below that level the app alerts the user with a voice message about the current battery status. Also, when the battery is completely loaded.

Memory alerts: A voice alert informs the user when the memory level is too low. When the battery has been completely loaded…

Message on Boot: You android welcomes you with a customized message.

Application Installed/uninstalled: It will be informed when an application package is being installed or removed.

Network availability: Your android informs you when the connection to the network is interrumpted ( in an elevator or tunnel) and re-established.

Wifi connections: Informs you when your phone connects to a wifi network.
Support for different languages (Spanish, English, German, Italian and French).

Added Widget to Activate/Deactivate the App easily and quick.

Lots of new features. (Headset activation, Notifications)

for more info check: Alejandro Corbi Portfolio
Android G2
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Re: Voice Alerts - Your Android speaks
« Antworten #1 am: 21.01.2010, 18:32:50 »

sounds pretty good !
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Tagged: android download android missed call alert android voicealerts android battery fully load sound speak time app sound german community forum voice programm android
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