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Tagged "forgotten tales rpg"

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Forgotten Tales RPG in Software für Android
I'd like to introduce the new rpg game - Forgotten Tales.
The game offers many hours of classic RPG gameplay, exciting story, tons of diversified locations, monsters and quests. Get lost in arid deserts, endless forests, dark dungeons, explore snowy wastelands. Gather a party of adventurers and fight against knights, archers, trolls, orcs, dragons, skeletons and many other enemies. Explore a vast heroic fantasy world. Become a legend yourself. Travel the world of Forgotten Tales to meet new friends, find treasure, and encounter monsters! Use a variety of weapons to take out enemies in this real time RPG. Gain experience and levels. Solve quests, find hidden treasures and improve your equipment and skills.





If you have any ideas what can be improved in this game feel free to let me know and I will try to improve the game.
Thank you

You can download game from [URL=http://""]Android Market[/URL]
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centralbytes 22.06.2012, 13:43:37
von centralbytes
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