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[BEST FREE STRATEGY GAME]---Dragon Kingdom! in Samsung
Hi all,

This's a grand android strategy game with beautiful HD graphics and abundant game play. It's FREE to install. In this game:

- you own an individual island in the vast ocean;

- you can recruit heroes, to develop armies and raise the whole race at will;

- you can strengthen your forces by all kinds of means, and finally dominate the whole server.

And there're various minor gameplays other than basic quests of island owner- resource exchange between islands, collecting crop mutually, maintaining alliance with other islands, exploring the world map, alliance war against external forces, etc..

Here are some screenshots I’d like to share:





It is available on Google Play:

Don’t forget to tap the ‘like’ button to get the latest  notification:

Any tips are welcome, leave message here or send me privately. Thanks 
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x6game 28.12.2012, 10:52:01
von x6game
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