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ways to transfer contacts from windows mobile to android phone in Software für Android
Do you just get a new Android phone,but your old phone is a windows mobile based?How to transfer contacts from windows mobile to Android Phone? Here is the guide for you to transfer your contacts to android Phone.

[b]Tools your need:[/b]
1. [b]Microsoft ActiveSync[/b] – Sync file between Windows Mobile Phone and PC.
2. [b][url=]GodswMobile Contacts Transfer[/url][/b] – Transfer Windows Mobile Phone to computer and Gmail.
3. [b]Gmail account.[/b]

[b]Here is the step-by-step guide for you to transfer contacts between windows mobile phone and android phone.[/b]

[b]Step 1: Backup windows mobile contact to CTS file and transfer to computer.[/b]
Below is the detail guide for the step 1.
[url=]How to transfer contacts from windows mobile to computer[/url]

[b]Step 2: Transfer windows mobile phone contacts to gmail account.[/b]
[url=]Here is a stey-by-step guide to transfer windows mobile phone contacts to gmail account.[/url]

[b]Step 3: Connect your Android phone to internet and sync contacts from Gmail account.[/b]
Android mobiles can automatically synchronize the contacts when connected to internet.

Down! Now your windows mobile contacts have been transfer to your new android account.
[url=]Free download GodswMobile Contacts Transfer.[/url]

[b]Note that:this app can only transfer contacts from Windows mobile phone to Android phone.[/b]
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wingssu 15.07.2010, 09:51:26
von wingssu
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