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ROM - CyanogenMod v4.0.2 in Software für Android
Download: ROM - CyanogenMod v4.0.2

Englischer Originalthread unter:

* UNIVERSAL! Runs on both Dream and Magic 32B
* Now identifies itself as either T-Mobile G1 or myTouch (due to popular demand, and T-Mobiles lameness to support ADP devices)
* Based on AOSP 1.5r3, a heap of Donut, various collected patches, and some help from JF-1.51-ADP
* Enhanced ramdisk which uses optimal mount options and smart startup
* Includes E2FSProgs for checking and converting Ext filesystems
* Apps2SD is automatic! All you need is a second partition (ext).
* Includes script to upgrade to ext3 (from recovery mode, see FAQ)
* Supports ext2/ext3/ext4 for Apps2SD
* Includes HTC Framework, various HTC applications, and HTC VK
* Launcher with 5 screens and auto-orientation and compact drawer layout
* Enhanced lock screen (Stericson)
* Clean filesystem shutdown at poweroff/reboot, and fsck at boot (no FS corruption!)
* Includes T-Mobile IM application, Amazon MP3 (with Stericson's hack), and updated Google Maps
* Does not require "DangerSPL"
* Highly optimized kernel with many extra modules
* Includes a massive APN list
* Maximum CPU scaling frequency set to 528MHz with latency tweaks
* Various enhancements to the Settings app including extra partition space
* Runs /system/sd/ after A2SD setup and before starting the runtime for user scripts
* Microsoft Exchange support (Work Email from myTouch)
* Compcache 0.6 enabled by default (if no userinit is present)
* Linux cgroups for better app prioritization
* Power Widget and App Fuel Gauge from Donut
* Custom boot screen by matt_stang
* Phone app enhancements by cytown
* OpenOBEX commandline tools ported by Erin Yueh - just need an app to run them!
* Ability to add dialer and MMS shortcuts
* PPTP/L2TP VPN and WPA Enterprise support from Donut
* MMS enhancements from rgv151
* FLAC support from Kruton (buy this man a beer)
* LocationServices memory leak fixed (by itp)
* Not vulnerable to the "one click root" exploit

Antworten anzeigen »
gdi 11.10.2011, 18:06:25
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